
The standard shipping time for most orders is between 7-15 business days, depending on your location. However, some locations benefit from faster shipping times, ranging from 4-14 business days. For all other locations, please expect a delivery time of 7-15 business days.

Here are the estimated delivery times for specific locations:

  • United States: 4 - 8 business days
  • United Kingdom: 4 - 8 business days
  • Germany: 4 - 8 business days
  • France: 4 - 8 business days
  • Italy: 4 - 8 business days
  • Spain: 4 - 8 business days
  • Netherlands: 4 - 8 business days
  • Austria: 4 - 8 business days
  • Poland: 4 - 8 business days
  • Canada: 4 - 8 business days
  • Australia: 4 - 8 business days

If you're in a location with quicker shipping, you'll likely see your order arrive within 4 - 8 days. For other areas, please allow 7-15 business days for delivery.

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out to us at!